Like last year, SENKO shares have been included in the following stock price indexes, which have been chosen by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) as reliable guides for ESG investment, in recognition of the Group’s ESG initiatives.
This index, which is compiled by the FTSE, is one of the ESG investment indexes used by the GPIF. This comprehensive, selective ESG index is based on a three-part evaluation: an ESG evaluation by FTSE Russell, carbon intensity (greenhouse gas emissions per unit of revenue), and the target companies’ approach to the risks and opportunities posed by climate change.
This index, which targets Japanese shares, is one of the ESG investment indexes used by the GPIF. A new index open to the top 700 shares in the MSCI Japan IMI index by market cap, it consists of companies with comparatively exceptional ESG programs in their industries.
This index, which targets Japanese shares, is one of the ESG investment indexes used by the GPIF. A new index drawing on the top 700 shares in the MSCI Japan IMI index by market cap, it consists of companies with a comparatively exceptional record in gender diversity in their industries.
Developed jointly by the Japan Exchange Group and S&P Dow Jones Indices, this environmental stock index has been used by the GPIF since 2018. It targets TOPIX shares and weighs them with a focus on disclosure of environmental information and carbon efficiency (carbon emissions per unit of revenue).
This index, which is compiled by Morningstar, a major U.S.-based independent investment research company, using data and evaluation methods from Equileap, focuses on companies with gender and diversity policies that have permeated their culture and on companies that promise their employees equal opportunities regardless of gender.
We support the recommendations of the TCFD, a task force formed by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to implement the intentions of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors, and we’ve been participating in the TCFD Consortium, which was established to promote concerted initiatives by companies, financial institutions, and other bodies that support TCFD recommendations and to discuss initiatives to foster the effective disclosure of information by companies and the use of disclosed information to make appropriate investment decisions by financial institution and other entities, since 2015.