Stakeholder | Overview of initiatives | Principal methods of dialog |
Customers and business partners | In addition to conducting fair, transparent transactions and providing safe, environmentally friendly services, we work with business partners in the value chain and other interested parties to address social issues such as human rights, labor, and the environment. |
·Customer hotlines ·Information disclosure via the Integrated Report and website |
Shareholders and investors | In addition to emphasizing constructive dialog with shareholders and investors and promoting understanding of our corporate management and activities, we strive to increase the SENKO Group's corporate value by applying views obtained through dialog to our management strategies. |
·General Meeting of Shareholders ·Financial briefings ·Briefings for private investors ·Individual meetings with institutional investors ·Information disclosure via the Integrated Report and website ·Accommodation of investigations and ratings procedures by ESG evaluation organizations |
Local communities | We consider the impact of all business activities on local communities, work to resolve local social issues including environmental initiatives and traffic safety, actively participate in social activities as a good corporate citizen, and strive to otherwise contribute to the development of the regions and communities we serve through voluntary community service activities. |
·Safety classes for children ·Community service activities and volunteer activities ·Dialog with nearby local residents at business sites |
Employees | In keeping with a policy that focuses on training human resources so that employees themselves can tap their individuality and abilities to the maximum extent possible, we strive to respect human rights and create workplaces where employees can do their jobs in a safe, energetic, and healthy manner while manifesting their individuality. |
·Provision of opportunities for employees to develop their skills and abilities through training ·Information disclosure via the corporate intranet and Group bulletins ·Internal hotline and employee hotline programs ·Employee satisfaction survey ·Labor-management council meetings ·Promotion of cultural and sports programs |
Government | In addition to adhering to the laws, regulations, and standards in the countries where we do business to foster fair, impartial, and free transactions and competition, we strive to work with government agencies and industry organizations to resolve social issues. | ·Participation in committees related to government ministries and agencies, associations, and other groups |